Category Archives: Dinosaurs

Alter Ego | For the Promptless

My lovely dino sister Rarasaur hosts Prompts for the Promptless every week and it’s such a clever thing she does. This week, I am finally going to get off the sidelines and actually participate. I love that this week is

Alter Ego | For the Promptless

My lovely dino sister Rarasaur hosts Prompts for the Promptless every week and it’s such a clever thing she does. This week, I am finally going to get off the sidelines and actually participate. I love that this week is

Sometimes Life is Scary

Wednesdays can be a little scary. Like when you wake up and think, “Is today Thursday?” And it’s not. Makes you kind of want to react in the same way Zach does in this video. {What has sent you running

Sometimes Life is Scary

Wednesdays can be a little scary. Like when you wake up and think, “Is today Thursday?” And it’s not. Makes you kind of want to react in the same way Zach does in this video. {What has sent you running

Jurassic Park Builder App

How am I just finding out about this app? It is amazing! I searched for Jurassic Park in my app store, because the movie just came out in 3D and I was thinking about it (but when I am not thinking about

Jurassic Park Builder App

How am I just finding out about this app? It is amazing! I searched for Jurassic Park in my app store, because the movie just came out in 3D and I was thinking about it (but when I am not thinking about

A Story From Dr. Ian Malcolm

{Have you seen Jurassic Park in 3D yet? Was Dr. Malcolm as sassy as ever?}

A Story From Dr. Ian Malcolm

{Have you seen Jurassic Park in 3D yet? Was Dr. Malcolm as sassy as ever?}

Stumped as a Stegosaur

What to blog about when you don’t know what you blog about? I got this idea from my friend, Miss Four Eyes, because I love her lists of random thoughts. So here is my list of my mismatched ideas, along

Stumped as a Stegosaur

What to blog about when you don’t know what you blog about? I got this idea from my friend, Miss Four Eyes, because I love her lists of random thoughts. So here is my list of my mismatched ideas, along


Just a friendly reminder to embrace science, my friends. Happy Wednesday!


Just a friendly reminder to embrace science, my friends. Happy Wednesday!

{Philosoraptor} Toast

I love these memes so much. Expect much more of the Philosoraptor on here. Not only for the gorgeous face of the Velociraptor, but for its thoughtful, inquisitive questions about life.

{Philosoraptor} Toast

I love these memes so much. Expect much more of the Philosoraptor on here. Not only for the gorgeous face of the Velociraptor, but for its thoughtful, inquisitive questions about life.


I’m so excited! I had an idea a while ago, and this week it is shaping into something bigger and better. It’s shaping into something Deinosuchus-sized! The week of November 4 through November 10 will be very special on Julie’s


I’m so excited! I had an idea a while ago, and this week it is shaping into something bigger and better. It’s shaping into something Deinosuchus-sized! The week of November 4 through November 10 will be very special on Julie’s

Majestic Beasts

While I was searching for a photo/painting to go with my last post, I ran into this gem in Google images. I had to post it. It’s just magical. You can order prints from here. Greeting cards, canvas print, metal

Majestic Beasts

While I was searching for a photo/painting to go with my last post, I ran into this gem in Google images. I had to post it. It’s just magical. You can order prints from here. Greeting cards, canvas print, metal